early g bodys booster are used from 78 to 80 then in 81 on up they changed. the early 1 on my 79 has the small step base at the rear base of the master cylinder. the made the steps bigger where pushrod end is on the 81+ masters. i have purchased a master for an 84 mc and cause of the size step change it will not fit my 79. is it safe to assume if i change to a later g body booster that it will mount right? like firewall angles the same and bolt hole spacing? i do know from browsing net a guy with an 86 mc swapped his booster for b body booster for better performance. if it is a simple bolt on swap and will fit like windshield wiper linkage etc i will get a 81 to 90 caprice booster with matching master cylinder. if not then ill have to sell/exchange my 84 new master for a 78 to 80 caprice master even though its cast iron its a bigger bore for my brake upgrade. it will fit just have to bend the 2 lines over to change spots. i just boltedon new drilled summit rotors and afco oversize bore calipers with ebc reds and stainless hoses front and rear. tired of rolling through the front wheels when doing foot brake burnout :evil: