So, I've got a '79 Monte that i'm converting to manual with a Muncie. Based on the info from the Garage Scene: ... ousing.htm , I decide to order the Lakewood 15015. I'm on the phone with a Jegs tech and he tells me that's the wrong one, he says i need the 15000, which i'm skeptical about. The tech says i can use the 15015 but it will rotate the transmission 15 degrees. I then notice that the bellhousing info on Garage scene is for a T-5.
Does anyone out there know for sure that a Lakewood 15015 will work with a Muncie in a '79 A body? If so, what effect does the rotation of the transmission have? Is there another/better option?
Does anyone out there know for sure that a Lakewood 15015 will work with a Muncie in a '79 A body? If so, what effect does the rotation of the transmission have? Is there another/better option?