I ran into an old issue today, ordered a clutch rod boot for Jr.'s car to find out it's another 2nd gen F body one. Ordered it from Dixie Restoration Depot since the web site & most current catalog shows the correct one for our cars. Even ordered the one for my car from them many moons ago when they were still in N.C. which was the reason I went with them. When Jr. opened the box to see what I got him I noticed right away it was time for a phone call. Was able to talk to Rob about it which he tried to check the one their invintory said they had but was out. So he just had me send pics of it which is still in the El Camino Manufacturing package. I added pic of the one I got off OPGI over 20 years ago with the correct one (which from their order history I was informed it's a NOS boot they used to stock). He told me he'll contacy El Camino Manufacturing in the morning about it to make sure it wasn't mispackaged. Never had any issues with any other Dixie orders & glad with their williingness to correct this.
Now I still can't figure out after all these years how suppliers can claim a part fits something, pushes it out the door to retailers just to have the buyer find out it's wrong. These "correct" G body clutch rod boots which are really '70-'81 F & '75-'79 X bodies boots have been have been a pain to me for over 25 years. The centered distance between the two mounting holes alone are not the same distance, the firewall end big hole are not the same size or shape. They don't have the correct molded angle to from end to end. Even the fit on the firewall is not right with the incorrect molded angle. If one would grab a 2nd gen F body resto catalog, the same boot is what is shown it.

Now I still can't figure out after all these years how suppliers can claim a part fits something, pushes it out the door to retailers just to have the buyer find out it's wrong. These "correct" G body clutch rod boots which are really '70-'81 F & '75-'79 X bodies boots have been have been a pain to me for over 25 years. The centered distance between the two mounting holes alone are not the same distance, the firewall end big hole are not the same size or shape. They don't have the correct molded angle to from end to end. Even the fit on the firewall is not right with the incorrect molded angle. If one would grab a 2nd gen F body resto catalog, the same boot is what is shown it.