dumbest stuff on wheels!!!

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Royal Smart Person
Jul 11, 2008
southside va/lake gaston
Ok...I watch this stuff..it cracks me up!...but the question that keeps popping up in my feeble little brain is....WHO INSURES THESE PEOPLE? I can assume that they must have insurance since breaking your neck would require quite a bit of money to fix...and these arent poor little welfare kids doing this stupid sheet....these are middle of the road average income people and/or their kids....The most insane ones are the Rice Rocket Riders who think its cool to ride a motorcycle in traffic on the FRONT WHEEL...either the insurance companies are asleep or these guys must have more money than brains....amazing thing is...they get away with those stunts, or else they wouldnt attempt it. Careless and Reckless used to be as bad as DWI...but I guess the courts dont care till somebody dies.... :blam:
Well riding on the front wheel is called a stoppie... And it's very easy to do I've been doing on dirt bikes since I was 14. :lol: I have watched that show a few times, and they have yet to show a clip I haven't seen yet... I had this video since about 2002 called "Motorcycle Judgment Day" and 99% of those clips I've seen in "Dumbest Stuff on Wheels" is in it.

But I agree with you, but motorcycle insurance is very cheap and I think it's because people making a motorcycle injury claim is somewhat rare. A lot of motorcycle accidents are fatal, insurance companies love fatalities they're free. :lol:

And cops, and I know a lot of cops in my town on a personal level that don't mess with bikers. First of all a lot of cops are bikers themselves, two they don't want to piss off a biker gang... I personally watched an East coast biker gang called the Pagans take over a bar drink all the liquor and chase off the paying customers and scare off the owners, while 5 squad cars watched and did nothing because they didn't want to get into a shoot out. I don't blame them personally but I mean c'mon to protect and to serve, it doesn't mean "except when it' gets dangerous". And most often, cops know that guys on bikes will smoke the hell out of a caprice, crown vic, impala, or charger... So they don't even bother. One time I got pulled over by a cop on i95 and a guy on a sport bike did a wheelie right past us at about 100mph and I said to the cop "so you're not going to go after him or call that in?" and he said to me "nah he'll be dead in a couple months at the most... So there's no point". He let me go on a warning, I think because he'd look like a big hypocrite if he didn't. :lol:
They only get away with it until they get caught lol.
I dont think a lot of them do get caught, I think most of them get away or die trying. I mean most sport bikes can do well over 160 miles an hour and that's just the 600's the 750's, 1000's can some do 200 mph, and then the real big ones 1100-1300cc can easily break 200mph... A Hayabusa is electronically limited at 180 I believe but without the limiter they can go 220+ and I've seen modded ones that can go much faster than that. Not even the helicopters can keep up sometimes... So either the cops don't bother to chase because there's no chance of catching them or the guy on the bike gets killed and that's more paperwork for the cops so they don't bother.
They can only do those 200 plus speeds on flat straight roads, the massive amount of acceleration is where its at. I agree though, they are too much to handle for a squad car, even a few of them. I too have seen guys on rockets mess with cops. It was pretty funny the first time I saw it but also messed up as well, taunting a cop isn't the smartest thing to do.
When I lived in FL, I lived near I-4 in O-town, and it runs through the city. At night, I would hear these bikes come by my house on that highway and they were FLYING! OPD had two helicopters they used to partrol with, but they never seemed to stop these guys. One bike doesnt sound like much, but when a group of 10-20 of them come by at 150mph, it will wake you out of your sleep. I used to get pissed and contemplate the idea of pushing a grocery cart full of bricks out into the road when I saw them coming....or a bucket full of roofing tacks....that woulda slowed em down.... :rofl:
bill said:
When I lived in FL, I lived near I-4 in O-town, and it runs through the city. At night, I would hear these bikes come by my house on that highway and they were FLYING! OPD had two helicopters they used to partrol with, but they never seemed to stop these guys. One bike doesnt sound like much, but when a group of 10-20 of them come by at 150mph, it will wake you out of your sleep. I used to get pissed and contemplate the idea of pushing a grocery cart full of bricks out into the road when I saw them coming....or a bucket full of roofing tacks....that woulda slowed em down.... :rofl:

2x4 full of nails in a garbage bag would do it too lol.
I tend to let the work of Charles Darwin take care of the clowns like that on motorcycles. the idiots will weed themselves out.
79malibu350 said:
I tend to let the work of Charles Darwin take care of the clowns like that on motorcycles. the idiots will weed themselves out.
Unfortunately, darwinism has been thrwarted by modern medicine and the invention of the ambulance....lol...I wonder if health insurance is higher for people who own ninja's?...and if it isnt, it damn sure outta be! Talk about your pre-existing conditions.... :shock:
I think the thing to do is get your insurance policy before buying the crotch rocket and they'll never know. :lol: But I had a 1994 FZR1000 for oh I dunno a couple weeks at one point, similar to bikes they have now only about 75-100 lbs heavier than todays 1000's but still over 140 horsepower in a 500 lbs bike wasn't anything to sneeze at. I had full insurance with full tort for 345 dollars a year... If you're gonna have a bike I think you really better have full insurance with unlimited tort. I'm never getting insurance again without full tort...

That's one of the things I'm glad my mom made me get rid of, if I still had it I'd probably be killed by now. :lol:
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