Any suggestions as to what to look for - ??? My factory tach in my 84 Cutlass all of sudden is
showing 1000 - 1400 RPM higher than should be. Had worked fine until just other day when using
car noticed tach was reading way high at idle and when driving. Hooked up Sun tach yesterday
and as suspected - vs. factory tach - there was avg. 1000-1400 RPM difference with factory tach
reading high. Any ideas what would have caused the factory tach to all of a sudden start reading
off by so much ??
showing 1000 - 1400 RPM higher than should be. Had worked fine until just other day when using
car noticed tach was reading way high at idle and when driving. Hooked up Sun tach yesterday
and as suspected - vs. factory tach - there was avg. 1000-1400 RPM difference with factory tach
reading high. Any ideas what would have caused the factory tach to all of a sudden start reading
off by so much ??