ZOMG RULES for posting in the FS Section. I ask users to use the report post function if they find (NEW!) posts that don't follow these, but there's no need to be uber strict.
If you have multiple items for sale, please group them into as few posts as possible. Otherwise you're using all of the F/S forum 1st page's (and more importantly the main page's) real estate and unfairly bumping everyone else's posts on down the list and off onto the next page. You're actually making more work for yourself by making multiple posts to keep track of. 😉
Examples of what would be acceptable:
Topic Title: "Monte Carlo Interior Parts", instead of "Monte A-pillar","Monte Dash","Monte Trim bezel","Monte ashtray cover", etc. etc. You can put multiple posts with separate titles inside that topic if you need/want to.
Topic Title: "Factory Manuals, '78-'81" instead of "78 Body manual, '78 fisher manual, '80 service manual" etc. etc.
Pictures sell. Use them. Be descriptive and have decent photos and not something that looks like it was taken by a drunk gorilla on a 2001 flip phone
PLEASE post some sort of asking price. $XXXX or Best Offer is acceptable. Don't leave us hanging.
PLEASE put your location, (city and state, zip code would suffice) if not in the subject line, then at the very least in your post.
The board software lets you mark your post as "SOLD"
Last but not least, no price cops, ok? If you think something's priced too high, counter offer in private, don't just complain about it publicly. If you were never planning on buying it in the first place, then there's definitely no need to comment on people's asking price. If they get their asking price, cool, good for them. If they don't, then they'll adjust it or never sell.
Thanks and carry on!
If you have multiple items for sale, please group them into as few posts as possible. Otherwise you're using all of the F/S forum 1st page's (and more importantly the main page's) real estate and unfairly bumping everyone else's posts on down the list and off onto the next page. You're actually making more work for yourself by making multiple posts to keep track of. 😉
Examples of what would be acceptable:
Topic Title: "Monte Carlo Interior Parts", instead of "Monte A-pillar","Monte Dash","Monte Trim bezel","Monte ashtray cover", etc. etc. You can put multiple posts with separate titles inside that topic if you need/want to.
Topic Title: "Factory Manuals, '78-'81" instead of "78 Body manual, '78 fisher manual, '80 service manual" etc. etc.
Pictures sell. Use them. Be descriptive and have decent photos and not something that looks like it was taken by a drunk gorilla on a 2001 flip phone
PLEASE post some sort of asking price. $XXXX or Best Offer is acceptable. Don't leave us hanging.
PLEASE put your location, (city and state, zip code would suffice) if not in the subject line, then at the very least in your post.
The board software lets you mark your post as "SOLD"
Last but not least, no price cops, ok? If you think something's priced too high, counter offer in private, don't just complain about it publicly. If you were never planning on buying it in the first place, then there's definitely no need to comment on people's asking price. If they get their asking price, cool, good for them. If they don't, then they'll adjust it or never sell.
Thanks and carry on!