So I (finally) got around to trying to get the Alternator-A/C bracket out to try and repair it or replace it today... everything was going fairly smoothly, all the bolts came out lickety split until I got to the very last one. It's a 1/2 bolt that goes through the center of the bracket into the block... should be no problem, right? Wrong.
Nothing I was using worked... the metal felt like it was soft like pewter... any socket I tried putting on it, 6 sided or 12 chewed that thing up like breakfast. Even after soaking it with deep penetrating oil and letting it sit for a little while it wouldn't budge. It even managed to crack one of my Proto sockets right down the side! Finally I tugged on the bracket itself and it turned; so to make matters worse, it's not even stuck in the threads that are in the block... instead, through electrolysis, or corrosion, whichever, it has managed to bond very tightly to the bracket itself (the bracket seems to be aluminum, while the bolt is steel). I soaked it with more penetrating oil, and I might just soak it tomorrow as well, and keep soaking it over the next couple of days, and hopefully it'll do the trick. If it doesn't I don't know what else I can do other than knock the head of the bolt off and try to take that out with a vice grip afterwards... any other suggestions?
Nothing I was using worked... the metal felt like it was soft like pewter... any socket I tried putting on it, 6 sided or 12 chewed that thing up like breakfast. Even after soaking it with deep penetrating oil and letting it sit for a little while it wouldn't budge. It even managed to crack one of my Proto sockets right down the side! Finally I tugged on the bracket itself and it turned; so to make matters worse, it's not even stuck in the threads that are in the block... instead, through electrolysis, or corrosion, whichever, it has managed to bond very tightly to the bracket itself (the bracket seems to be aluminum, while the bolt is steel). I soaked it with more penetrating oil, and I might just soak it tomorrow as well, and keep soaking it over the next couple of days, and hopefully it'll do the trick. If it doesn't I don't know what else I can do other than knock the head of the bolt off and try to take that out with a vice grip afterwards... any other suggestions?