I've been surfing around the interwebs with my Google machine for a couple of day to find a solution to my problem but it doesn't seem like there are many other cases like mine.
My fuel gauge operates when I turn on power it rises to 3/4 tank and when I turn of power it slowly fall to 1/2 tank. When driving it anyone's guess sometime it doesn't move at all and I'll look at it a few min later and the needle is on E other times it will bounce a little and every so often it will move to another area. Any ideas would be awesome
My fuel gauge operates when I turn on power it rises to 3/4 tank and when I turn of power it slowly fall to 1/2 tank. When driving it anyone's guess sometime it doesn't move at all and I'll look at it a few min later and the needle is on E other times it will bounce a little and every so often it will move to another area. Any ideas would be awesome