I cleaned my guage cluster while I was spiffing up the interior all the lettering came off.
anyways to make a long story short I butchered up my guages bad IMO and I cannot for the life of me get a decent lettering on my guages that doesnt look hand made or cartoon like.
only thing I found that really sparks my interest other than go get stock monte carlo guage's out of the wrecker for my unit.
http://www.whitegauges.net/products/198 ... auges.html
anyone use something similar in the sticker/vynl approach?
I'm looking for the 'could be stock' look to the untrained eye. Not to a Chevy guru.
also money is an object for me I cant justify new gauges in something I cant drive all the time.

anyways to make a long story short I butchered up my guages bad IMO and I cannot for the life of me get a decent lettering on my guages that doesnt look hand made or cartoon like.
only thing I found that really sparks my interest other than go get stock monte carlo guage's out of the wrecker for my unit.
http://www.whitegauges.net/products/198 ... auges.html
anyone use something similar in the sticker/vynl approach?
I'm looking for the 'could be stock' look to the untrained eye. Not to a Chevy guru.
also money is an object for me I cant justify new gauges in something I cant drive all the time.