so to start it off, my crank pulley doesn't want to line up to accept a v-belt.
Water pump pulley, ps pump and alternator are all LWP and I thought my pulley set was also.
Water pump is two groove and crank is 3.
After removing the crank pulley a second time i notice the balancer has almost a spacer like piece of aluminum attached to the front.
Now I've looked up some online and haven't seen any that look similar and the difference in Pulley alignment is about the same as the thickness in the metal.
I didn't want to pry it off if it belongs there or cause any damage.
Any pointers on a solution?
Thank You
Water pump pulley, ps pump and alternator are all LWP and I thought my pulley set was also.
Water pump is two groove and crank is 3.
After removing the crank pulley a second time i notice the balancer has almost a spacer like piece of aluminum attached to the front.
Now I've looked up some online and haven't seen any that look similar and the difference in Pulley alignment is about the same as the thickness in the metal.
I didn't want to pry it off if it belongs there or cause any damage.
Any pointers on a solution?
Thank You