Hawaii Racing.com

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Aug 4, 2009
O.K. I have been searching and looking around here for a while to find out what kind of piston I should use for my sbc build. I was going to go with the speed pro hypereutectics but it seems that most find these to be at the bottom of the barrel for a good build. I am doing like most people and trying to stay on a tight budget but there are some places that you should not go cheep in. I have decided to go with a set of forged pistons, now trying to keep that on the cheep is hard to do but after allot of searching I came across one web sight that had the speed pro forged pistons for unbelievable price of $39.95 a piece, this was the cheapest I had found them, there part # is STE-L2491F 030 and located here http://www.hawaiiracing.com/?page=shop/ ... SESSID=cf2
I had never herd of this place and tried to find any posts on the web with a review about them, but all I could find out is that they have an eBay store but allot of places do nowaday. I had sent them an email about there S&H charges since there sight doest list any and I also had a question about payment. I couldnt wait for a reply as I wanted to get a jump on these at there great price so I called them and after I started off with my question about there S&H the guy stops me and asked me if I had sent an email earlier about this to them, which I was surprised and said, why yes I did. Here is where it all goes down the $h1tter, apparently the price is wrong on there website because that was there price back when they were trying to get rid of them but "THATS NOT THERE PRICE NOW"!!!
He goes on to tell me that he's out of stock on them and will have to order them from Federal Mogul and that the $39.95 price would be way under cost and he cant sell them to me for that, he typed some numbers into his calculator and tells me that a set of 8 would be $479 before the tax and shipping. If you figure that out the new cost on them now are $59 a piece, thats $20 over the original listed price. I was surprised at the new cost and thought that he should honor the price they are listed for and still are. I understand that he needs to make money but what ever happened to customer satisfaction/service/is always right?
He didnt even offer to give them to me @ cost or not even the mention of free shipping...........nothing!!! I work for a company that also sells on the Internet and they will always honor there prices, even if there is a mistake made, they figure its not the customers fault for the mistake so they shouldnt have to pay, they want to keep the customer happy so they will come back again and again because thats what companies do that want to stay in business, not piss off the customer so they wont come back. I dont know this company Hawaii Racing but this was my first impression of them and it wasnt a good one, it has left a bad taste in my mouth so I thought that I would post my experience with them so if others out there are trying to find info on them they might stumble across this. I am not saying that they screwed me in any way but this is a BIG RED FLAG on what you can expect from there customer service or customer relations. I just told the guy that I can get them from Scoggin Dickey for $5 more a piece, unfortunately thats $40 more (remember budget build) but I will have me a set of good forged pistons.
Threw my searches it seems Federal Mogul, sealed power, speed pro and TRW are all in the same family.
Thanks for reading
I know you're on a budget but try to stick with more reputable dealers (Summit, Jegs, PAW). These vendors usually have great customer service. they will always be there to back up their product.
Not to pick one side or the other, but being in Hawaii, if youve never had the satisfaction of going, is quite expensive. Cost of living is two to three times more than most places on the mainland. So, at the time $39 a piston was a good price, but you have to pay for things somehow. And free shipping from Hawaii? I must admit I chuckled a little bit at that thought. Things are generally a little more expensive to ship from Hawaii as well. In my opinion, any set of pistons less than 400-500 is too cheap to be putting in a built engine anyways. Save your money for some decent 500-600 sets of pistons
mkiiisupra said:
but being in Hawaii, if youve never had the satisfaction of going, is quite expensive. Cost of living is two to three times more than most places on the mainland. So, at the time $39 a piston was a good price, but you have to pay for things somehow. And free shipping from Hawaii? I must admit I chuckled a little bit at that thought.

Thats there name, not location.........that made me chuckle a little bit (lol),
there out of California and giving the good people of Hawaii a bad name 😀
Well, if thats the case then they are shady by proxy. I didnt even go to the site to check it out. But shame on them for calling theirselves Hawaii Racing when they are on the mainland. LOL
what do you need the engine to do? if you need very high RPM's or will use nitrous or forced induction, then yeah you need forged. but for a regular street or strip engine hypers are great. they are lightweight and have better sealing properties than other types of pistons. they also don't require any warm up time before you can drive.
megaladon6 said:
what do you need the engine to do?

Not to Grenade! ........., thought about running the Hypo's (because of how cheep they are) but 75% of most "newer" threads I read are all negative about them, besides forged are stronger so for just around $100 more than the Hypo,s I can get the Forged. I might run sum N2O in the future, not sure yet but these forged ones are lightweight as well, I have read that good forged pistons are actually lighter than cast or hypereutectic. Know on the other hand I also read forged wears the cylinder wall's quicker than hypo's. Damn, now I am questioning my own choice,............... :?:
IDK, i researched hypers when i built my engine and didn't find any problems, other than N2 and FI, of course. OEM's even use them on performance engines. but, yeah for an extra $100 i'd go forged too.
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