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Master Mechanic
Apr 4, 2008
guess what guys im an idiot,I tore out the old one because it was cracked and falling apart. Called the apolstery shop and they say I need that. I dont know what to do now, none of the junk yards near me have one, this kinda sucks. Any ideas
Used to be able to get a new one from YearOne, not sure anymore. That's what I planned to do for my Cutlass.
clays classic cars on ebay user name clay44p. Its a molded ABS covered board fits perfect. you dont need the original foam board anymore. He doesnt have any listed for monte right now but I got one for my 86 cutlass and the quality was unbelievable. He could do it in just about any color.
fodoimp said:
clays classic cars on ebay user name clay44p. Its a molded ABS covered board fits perfect. you dont need the original foam board anymore. He doesnt have any listed for monte right now but I got one for my 86 cutlass and the quality was unbelievable. He could do it in just about any color.

how much?

I looked and I didnt see it. there is one on there for 50 dollars though, that someone had made but sold the car before it was ever put on.
I got a ABS molded plastic one also and it is really nice! I forget where i got it online but i can look that up for you if you want but i paid around $200 for the ABS headliner with same interior color fabric and a new set of sunvisors to match. Those cardboard foam original ones are crap! they all dry up and as you know,,,,,they disinegrate when you touch them, get the ABS molded plastic one and be done with it for the life of the car!
you have to email him he doesnt have any listed right now I think mine was around 200 dollars well worth the money......it will never sag again witht he way its constructed. The abs doesnt break down like the foam.
Buy an ABS plastic headliner. You can paint it to match or if you need the 'look' of the foam material buy some online to match your color and use a quality contact cement. I highly recommend to practice this a few times with some old blankets or something on your old headliner...if it's salveagable. If not buy an old one from the junkyard to practice.

or, most interior shops will glue on your material if you give them the supplies (new cardboard/plastic and material) for about 60-80$. Don't let them b.s. you over 80$ for gluing material on a clean board.
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