I need some help,here's what's going on 83 Monte had a 355 a little over 3 years ago I put it in&put very few miles on it before the trans started pouring fluid out of the top of the bellhousing&would.only go in reverse.So I started pulling the body apart to do bodywork&3 mos ago I pulled it out&it wouldn't fire had no.spark.Well last week I pulled it out&motor was locked,pulled the plugs #3&6 had water come out but it was clean&recent so I was able to free it still no spark.
I really miss the days of riding this thing&getting complimants so wanna get her back going.Can anyone help me with getting spark?I suck@all things vacuum&electrical & ignition is by far something I know little about.It is hei its an ac delco set up.Help really would be appreciated&any ideas on the.transmission maybe tc? Offline help is great if so.pm.me
I really miss the days of riding this thing&getting complimants so wanna get her back going.Can anyone help me with getting spark?I suck@all things vacuum&electrical & ignition is by far something I know little about.It is hei its an ac delco set up.Help really would be appreciated&any ideas on the.transmission maybe tc? Offline help is great if so.pm.me