So updating on my previous post, i finally replaced my flexplate and thought that was the end of it, and then life pulls a "sykkke" card.
I went on a road trip to north Carolina, which was only 250 miles from where i am, so it's not like it was a long haul, and on the way back i noticed a ticking sound that started getting worse, so i get it back home and lift her up, and son of a b*tch if the new flexplate isn't CRACKED.
Turns out its my ****ing starter, it's not shimmed and its beating the hell out of my flexplate, So i'm taking this mother****er into the shop and dropping 325$ and just letting them take care of it, I'm to pissed to even think straight right now, the new flexplate didn't even last 28 hours.
I went on a road trip to north Carolina, which was only 250 miles from where i am, so it's not like it was a long haul, and on the way back i noticed a ticking sound that started getting worse, so i get it back home and lift her up, and son of a b*tch if the new flexplate isn't CRACKED.
Turns out its my ****ing starter, it's not shimmed and its beating the hell out of my flexplate, So i'm taking this mother****er into the shop and dropping 325$ and just letting them take care of it, I'm to pissed to even think straight right now, the new flexplate didn't even last 28 hours.