Honda Question

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Jun 18, 2011
Vancouver, BC Canada
My 84 accord wont run for more than 2 mins without it stalling. Its weird, i've replaced plugs, wires, cap, rotor, coil. Tested the fuel pump for pressure and output over a 60 second band and its all good. Anyone have any ideas? I realize its no gbody, but i would really appreciate anything.
I remember Hondas of that vintage having problems with the distributor, causing similar problems.
I had a Toyota Corolla of that age that did that and it ended up being this air flap valve thing in the intake tube, it is supposed to open when it fired and it wasn't so it just choked the motor out, I got a used one it fixed it. Not sure if a Honda has something like that or not
find out if it has a idle air intake valve. i have had friends with cars that were having the same problem. used my scanner and got the code,went online and found out it was the idle air intake valve.
Yea that's what it was called on the Toyota, it's like a flapper in the intake tube
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