So there's power at the battery, but is there power to anything? If not it's probably the fusable links after the starter.
From what I see, there are two fusable links after the starter. Check for voltage at the b+ connection to the starter. It's possible that you melted that 32mm^2 B+ cable coming in for the motor contacts, which is the 2 ga wire going from the B+ terminal to the starter solenoid.
If you have voltage at the B+ ring terminal to starter solenoid, then look for two smaller wires coming off of that stud. One goes to the fuse panel & headlights. The other goes to the generator, fuse panel, and ignition switch. Right after those wires leave the starter stud, there are two fusable links, one in each wire. You may be able to see that they are fumed or feel it by bending the wires. It should feel like there is a break in the wire. I'm not sure how much you know about wiring, but the fusable links are wires that are smaller gauge than the other wires in the circuit. They are used like a regular fuse that melts to protect the rest of the harness. It usually has a tougher covering to contain the heat/spark generated when it blows.
If you can't tell visually, move down each wire and check voltage past the fusable links. If you pull off any coverings on those two smaller wires, you should see the 16 ga links that are usually clearly marked FUSABLE LINK spliced inline with the bigger 12 ga wire. Check for proper voltage after the links.
If you do not have voltage after the link, but voltage up to them, then the link is bad.
Also, I'm assuming that you do not have power to many if not all the other systems of the car. If you do and it just doesn't want to turn over, you fried the starter solenoid.