How is Ford still in business?

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Royal Smart Person
Jul 11, 2008
southside va/lake gaston
I know cars arent meant to last forever, but I dont expect them to just start falling apart right in front of my My T-Bird has bad ball joints, even though they are only a few yrs old....the windows wont stay in the tracks, the heater blend door stopped moving so I now have no heat, the tranmission shifts up and down like its got ADHD.... Im so sick of this car and I cant stop spending money on it...cause I cant sell it...and I cant afford a new one. I know one thing, I'll never buy a ford again....ever! Thanks for letting me vent..... Long live GM!
Fords are great! I've made tens of thousands of dollars fixing them over the years. The key is to get paid to work on OTHER peoples' Fords and not to buy them for yourself. You're doing it wrong :lol: .

GMs aren't really any better. Just a different list of engineering compromises. All the manufacturers have their weak points.
Ummm.... you mean your at least 15 year old Tbird has issues?

Sounds like an old car to me

Compare to brand new G bodies with TH200 transmissions that crapped themselves in sometimes a few thousand miles or the cam-wiping debacle of late70s-early 80s.

They all turn out stuff that has poor engineering execution and isn't meant to last forever...although the loose Tbird windows were a PITA from new.

After dealing with the shitty 5 speed in my 92 silverado and GMs inability to supply a bearing retainer that didn't require (un-noted) modification to work, I'm quite happy with my 267,000 mile F350....of course, it's really an International Harvester.
There's a way around poor manufacturing, when you get a replacement car, gut it, and rebuild the whole thing fixing all the factory defects. :rofl:

:blam: That was meant as a joke, but then I realized, I'm dumb enough to actually do this to vehicles that have $0 value, 😳 .
Ribbedroof said:
Ummm.... you mean your at least 15 year old Tbird has issues?

Sounds like an old car to me

Compare to brand new G bodies with TH200 transmissions that crapped themselves in sometimes a few thousand miles or the cam-wiping debacle of late70s-early 80s.

They all turn out stuff that has poor engineering execution and isn't meant to last forever...although the loose Tbird windows were a PITA from new.

After dealing with the shitty 5 speed in my 92 silverado and GMs inability to supply a bearing retainer that didn't require (un-noted) modification to work, I'm quite happy with my 267,000 mile F350....of course, it's really an International Harvester.
Ford F150,250,350....different animals....they put their good engineers on the trucks. Leaving the idiots to design the cars. My 27 yr old gbody has windows that work, heater that works, transmission that worked till I removed it for a stronger one. GM cars may have their issues...but Id still take a 94 gm car over a 94 ford car anyday. My cousin has an '05 GT w/20k miles on it and the heater took a sh*t last week.... :blam:
Sorry to bust the bubble...I just got a new F150 as a company vehicle, this is a sweet truck and handles great...They've come a long way since the Model T and guess what NO GOV'T SUPPORT! :mrgreen:
I've never had a ford car. I do have a '78 F250 & for the most part it's been a good truck. The main issues I've had are from the previous idiots that owned it. They defiantly like some tinkering, but are built to last the test of time. Built w/o your tax $ 😀 I'd sure rather have a Ford than a Chrysler product!!
That's why I swear by GM products. My dads '06 2500 HD has almost 120,00 miles, still on original brakes with plenty left on them, and all original front end parts. Only things that have been done in 6 years are tires and glow plugs!
findinglemo said:
Sorry to bust the bubble...I just got a new F150 as a company vehicle, this is a sweet truck and handles great...They've come a long way since the Model T and guess what NO GOV'T SUPPORT! :mrgreen:
The new F150's are nice....but the interiors are so chinsy.....made all outta plastic parts....even the GT's look like a kids toy car on the inside. I guess thats why they can sell them for under 30 grand. Im just getting old....and too set in my ways....but I cant stand
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