My otherwise rust free 1987 Regal has some frame rot around the number 2 passenger side body mount. After taking the fender off and lifting that corner of the body up to gain clearnce to weld in a repair washer, I figured out why it rotted. I already wrote another thread talking about how the OEN GM bushing have metal inserts that are prone to rusting out and taking the frame with them. However all the other bushings were no where near as rusted out as the passenger side number 2 was. I figured out why the number 2 mount was so much worse than the other mounts. Turns out the water drain on the bottom of the HVAC box drains water right on the number 2 passenger side body mount, causing it to rust out much more than the other mounts, even the number 6 behind the rear wheels. Some will get sore again at me for saying this, but the HVAC drain is a design flaw, it should not have been placed right over the frame. So besides welding in a repair washer, I need to figure out a way to divert the HVAC drain water away from the number 2 mount, to help prevent this problem from happening again. After looking around online, it seems the number 2 passenger side body mount are the first to rust out, and this is probably the reason why it is so common.