THis weekend I attended the Turbo Nationals in Burlington NC. As it was a nice event with great intentions the attendance was less than par. What concerns me is the first sign of a dying breed of vehicles ( turbo buick) because of the economy and maybe parts availability and costs to operate the brand. I proposed to a group of people that we need to bring in and include all other makes in the Gbody line. We know that the Turbo Buick is a little more of a different mentality but the truth to the matter is we all love our cars and it is one of the last true RWD vehicles mass produced that you can still work on for a reasonable budget. Me and Brian from are thinking of an event either with or a seperate function that would include a variety of different events and or a show, etc. I would like to know if there were those of you out there that would be willing to travel a distance to have an event for that weekend. We are looking to incorporate all lines Gbody. We would ask for vendor support to offer deals during the event. We would want a car show, we would want a performance event, we may want to think about including a family style atmosphere where you would feel comfortable and have activities for your other family members. I know if we dont create a buzz about our passions that we will soon no longer create a want and need for what we love to do. I just want to know if our Gbody family would come together for a few days of conversations, events, business commerce, and comradery to keep this platform alive.
Please give me your opinions and how far you may travel to go to such an event.
Please give me your opinions and how far you may travel to go to such an event.