So im putting my intake manifold back on after doing a lot of looking around since i had a roller rocker break making sure i got all/most of the metal(even took the oil pan off to make sure). I bought some after market bolts and ran them through all the threads before putting the intake on just to make sure they wouldnt bind and had help cleaning only one hole that was binding. Since i had leaking issues with oil last time i kinda went crazy with the rtv and wouldnt you know it one of the bolts that goes into one of the holes that doesnt bottom out galls. so my help came back since they are a machinest by trade and she cleaned the threads out and as she's doing this i see bits of steel go down on the cam i know i need to clean that up, i didnt even finish torquing the intake down and my question is, is it safe to reuse that gasket or will the rtv thats on it ruin it? the only reason im asking is im kinda strapped for cash and to cover my *ss im ditching the cheap bolts for arp's most likely and buying a thread chase set from summit and not gona chance it regardless of binding or not.