So it's been a good long while since I've posted anything on here. Still lurk in the forums but priorities and life have gotten in the way of doing work on my 88 Cutlass. Still drive it on occasions but definitely needs some work. Anyways the reason I'm posting is because iRacing has become a lot more well know during this whole covid lockdown time. I've been a member to iRacing for almost 3 years now. Today they did a quarterly update and added 2 vintage NASCAR's. Dale Earnhardt's 1987 Monte Carlo Aero and Bill Elliot's 87 Ford Thunder Bird. Of course I had to purchase the Monte and the first thing I set off to do was create my own paint scheme for it. I thought what better sponsor to put on my Monte than I learned so much from this site and the people on it I thought it was appropriate. I'm self taught in using Photoshop to create the paint schemes so its not great but wanted to share. If anyone has suggestions on how to improve it, or sponsor ideas they are more than welcome. I tried to keep it somewhat simple and 80's Nascar looking. The first race didn't go as planned either.