Is This the Black Horse of Revelation?

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Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
For those not familiar with The Bible, there are 4 horsemen of the apocalypse ( white, red, black and pale), and the Black Horse is famine. Specifically, Scripture talks of a time when grain production will be ruined and bread become very expensive. So, when this article about the grain fungus UG99 mentioned that it could make bread a luxury good, it sort of clicked with me. You see, we had long since bred out wheat that was susceptible to this sort of thing which is how the world has been able to sustain an ever growing population. However, this new strain from Uganda is immune to all our defenses and has the potential to start a worldwide famine the likes of which the human race has never seen. So, I will leave a link to the article for those who wish to read it and comment on it. It is definitely a scary prospect if it were to come to pass.
I am not sure if you are born again or not, but if you are signs of the ever nearing return of Christ should not be scary to us. Unless of course you are concerned for those that have not accepted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

You see the most important thing to God is the salvation of people that do not have a relationship with Him. There are many people out there that even go to church that have no relationship with Christ. The shame here is, it is so easy to receive Him. The problem is not in the Gift of Salvation that Christ accomplished in His Death, Burial, and Ressurection, it is mankind's misunderstanding of what it takes to receive this Gift. The answer is simple and found in the Book of Romans chapter 10 verses 9 and 10. The truth of the matter is we as the Church have given a false impression that we must accomplish a state of cleanliness in our hearts before we can receive Salvation. This is not the case. Mankind just needs to ask through speaking with their mouth that Jesus died for their sins and asking him to come into their heart and then believing that this has actually taken place, no matter how much wrong they have done or will do in their lives continueing to believe that they are a child of God through Christ. In truth they become the Righteousnes of God in Christ, they gain a right standing with God just like Adam and Eve had before they sinned.

I do however enjoy seeing things and contemplating for a moment is this a sign of Christ's return. But I do not dwell on these things for long, for the most important thing to God is the people that don't know Him personally.
God Bless.
blah blah blah bah blah
there's ALWAYS some sort of resistant strain of something. whether it's grain, animal, or human.
people have been talking about the apocalypse for at least a thousand years and it still hasn't happened.
how bout this, live your life! if you believe in god then follow his laws, not the church's. if you don't believe in god, then live your life! follow the laws of what you do believe.
screw the stupid morons who believe every conspiracy theory/end of the world story that comes out. besides, if it is the apocalypse, what are you going to do?
oh, and it's war, famine, pestilence, and death---respectively red, black, white and pale (pale green in some).
megaladon6 said:
blah blah blah bah blah
there's ALWAYS some sort of resistant strain of something. whether it's grain, animal, or human.
people have been talking about the apocalypse for at least a thousand years and it still hasn't happened.
how bout this, live your life! if you believe in god then follow his laws, not the church's. if you don't believe in god, then live your life! follow the laws of what you do believe.
screw the stupid morons who believe every conspiracy theory/end of the world story that comes out. besides, if it the apocalypse, what are you going to do?

Couldn't have said it better myself.
Oh you gotta love this crap.
Is there a beginning and a end, YES!!
Could the Mayans be right and this Galactic alignment create some havoc, MAYBE!

Over 2 dozen+ writers we sometimes refer to as ancient historians are alive and living within close proximity to what we now know as Israel during antiquity . Not one, again I say not one has even mentioned this great savior, miracle man that even God's chosen people according to the old testament say has never existed. So the New testament is what?? A bunch of stories about a ideal that the Romans which are in charge of this land, also which created the Vatican, now will hold the key to salvation.


The story of Genesis was taken from a ancient Asian ideal, rewritten and then later rewritten again to remove Lilith so it won't confuse us into another ideal of women actually being equal to man and then punished for a Roman ideal that women are not.
It is full of good human morals of how we should treat each other etc, but also full of now explainable answers to those things some god created and did.

Our fore fathers, very wise men, hell as wise or more so than a created Jesus saw fit that adding the point of saying keep religion separate from all else because it breeds corruption specially when mixed with political ideals and daily living with different believing peoples.

Is there a power greater than ourselves we could call God? Yes
That is all for now!!
I'm not worried; I like bread made from potatoes too.

Rice is cheaply made and can replace bread as a staple for the poor of the world in famine if it all goes bad.

And as someone stated above; If it happens, you just have to roll with it. So far, Wal-Mart has not raised my price on their great value bread.

Oh, and our forefathers did not separate Church from State to protect us from the evils of religion. Time for you to go back to school. They were protecting Christianity from the evils of the State! They were not giving us freedom from religion but freedom FOR religion.
KrisW said:
Oh, and our forefathers did not separate Church from State to protect us from the evils of religion. Time for you to go back to school. They were protecting Christianity from the evils of the State! They were not giving us freedom from religion but freedom FOR religion.

Time to go back to school??
Freedom to practice any religion a person would see as fit.

They all too well knew that politics and religion could never be mixed to run a country that is equal for all and the other foundations which came to be.

Now on my own personal note, religion in itself is full of more evils than the world without them in existence.
You think the government has loopholes, religion is made from loopholes as its practiced today.
while i'm not exactly a "religious" person i have to disagree with that.
religions are not inherently bad, corrupt, whatever. they can provide stability and unity. however, PEOPLE are the real problem. there will always be someone who likes the power they get through the religion, and/or thinks that their way is better or "gods"way. people who claim that god talks to them are simply listening to their own desires.
i always say that religion isn't bad, churches are.
i'd say the founding fathers separated religion from state for ALL the above reasons.
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