Paid $110.00 for 3 peices of trim and valiance to convert over to a hard top. Read everything about them on here. Didn't find a solution.
My inner gut says to get a bunch of black caulking and glue the trim in since no I'm not riviting like factory.
The old laundu top rivits are officially gone. Tad worried about fire. So I'm taking it the entire interior needs removed? Including headliner?
Anyone else actually finished a swap. Seems like most get to a point and stop lol thanks
My inner gut says to get a bunch of black caulking and glue the trim in since no I'm not riviting like factory.
The old laundu top rivits are officially gone. Tad worried about fire. So I'm taking it the entire interior needs removed? Including headliner?
Anyone else actually finished a swap. Seems like most get to a point and stop lol thanks