-----------------------i was told the car may be in new york now-----------------------
hoping someone can please tell me where this car is. if you purchased it know who purchased it or maybee you seen your neighbor bring it home.
this car holds a high value to me because it was my fathers. i grew up in this car. i would like to try and work something out with you. my whole family is behind me. if you are the new owner or have info on the new location of the car please contact me at 215 713 8160 . my name is mike. my father sold this car to his friend in 2003. he was going through a lot at the time and it broke down in front of his friends house....so he sold it to him...just didnt want the memories at the time. the john called and said he would sell us the car back. but a few days afterward......
it was recently sold(last week) because his friend passed away a few months ago. we were left in the dark that it was for sale till i seen it on craigslist. he knew we knew the true history of the car n its problems. i tried to buy the car from his son(used car salesman n businessman) , however, we couldnt make a deal. he felt i would pay the full 3200 for the car because of its "sentimental value to me"(his qoute). he would not honor the agreement we had with his father.
cant blame somebody for wantin money though.
i dont want to put everything in this add, but i want my fathers car. if you could please contact me, i would love to speak with you.
ideally, i hope that the current owner will realize the following (which should have been advertised by the seller) and want his money back for the car:
-it is now a "FOUR" owner car.
-the frame is still bent from the "3RD" accident it was in. also 2nd front end on it.
-the mileage is NOT correct
-the current engine is damaged internally and has a miss. it sat untouched outside for many years before it was installed. . it wasn't from a corvette either.
-the trans is not original. it is a th350 that hasnt worked right since the last accident.
-there is a lot of hidden rust on the car that needs a lift to be seen.(body mounts, floor boards, cowl, tailgat etc etc.
-the major accident tweaked the body so bad it cracked floor board. seats had to be replaced because of boold(see ashtrays on back)
- i could name a few more too. just not in writing on the internet.
please give me a call. if u have any info on the location of the car. if you truly like n want to keep the car, i would at least like you to keep me in mind for any future sale. and if thats the case, the grille emblem, scoop emblems, side moldings and side pipes that were never put back on the car when we painted it are still around. thanks
hoping someone can please tell me where this car is. if you purchased it know who purchased it or maybee you seen your neighbor bring it home.
this car holds a high value to me because it was my fathers. i grew up in this car. i would like to try and work something out with you. my whole family is behind me. if you are the new owner or have info on the new location of the car please contact me at 215 713 8160 . my name is mike. my father sold this car to his friend in 2003. he was going through a lot at the time and it broke down in front of his friends house....so he sold it to him...just didnt want the memories at the time. the john called and said he would sell us the car back. but a few days afterward......
it was recently sold(last week) because his friend passed away a few months ago. we were left in the dark that it was for sale till i seen it on craigslist. he knew we knew the true history of the car n its problems. i tried to buy the car from his son(used car salesman n businessman) , however, we couldnt make a deal. he felt i would pay the full 3200 for the car because of its "sentimental value to me"(his qoute). he would not honor the agreement we had with his father.
cant blame somebody for wantin money though.
i dont want to put everything in this add, but i want my fathers car. if you could please contact me, i would love to speak with you.
ideally, i hope that the current owner will realize the following (which should have been advertised by the seller) and want his money back for the car:
-it is now a "FOUR" owner car.
-the frame is still bent from the "3RD" accident it was in. also 2nd front end on it.
-the mileage is NOT correct
-the current engine is damaged internally and has a miss. it sat untouched outside for many years before it was installed. . it wasn't from a corvette either.
-the trans is not original. it is a th350 that hasnt worked right since the last accident.
-there is a lot of hidden rust on the car that needs a lift to be seen.(body mounts, floor boards, cowl, tailgat etc etc.
-the major accident tweaked the body so bad it cracked floor board. seats had to be replaced because of boold(see ashtrays on back)
- i could name a few more too. just not in writing on the internet.
please give me a call. if u have any info on the location of the car. if you truly like n want to keep the car, i would at least like you to keep me in mind for any future sale. and if thats the case, the grille emblem, scoop emblems, side moldings and side pipes that were never put back on the car when we painted it are still around. thanks