I have a 406, 10:1 compression, mild to aggressive cam, blue print and balanced, all aluminium 4 core rad with dual electric fans, weiand aluminum intake, accel distributor and a edelbrock 600. The motor was originally a short track motor my dad used to race on 113 octane. I've been having some serious problems with pinging. I run 93 octane and it doesnt help. I know the small carb isnt helping(it was on the 350 i had before) but i dont know whats causing it! It runs about 180-195 so its not too hot. The pinging tends to go away once its over 3500 rpms, but cruising or under mild loads its unbearable. It also wants to stall once hot at stop lights and when slowing down pretty fast. I'm thinking ignition? Alternator maybe? PLEASE give me any ideas. I'm tired of this thing.