Ok guys I knew the first time i had to rebuild my Lt1 in my cutlass whats was wrong I tack welded my oil screen to pump instead of brazing it . I know stupid mistaKE AND i SPUN a couple of bearing . I had my crank turn and rods resized by local machine shop I even order a new melling oil pump that high volume thats a press and bolt in screen The local machine shop went ahead and put the short block together for me since this wa my second time seeing them. I put the Lt1 back in set the VALVES AND DROVE IT ABOUT 40 MILES AND GUESS WHAT OIL PRESSURE DROPED FROM 60 TO 40 I WAS ONLY 7 MILES FROM THE HOUSE AND THE DREDED KNOCK STARTED. I CALLED THE LOCAL MACHINE SHOP HE CAME BY TO LISTEN TO IT. IT JUST SO CRAZY CAUSE THE OIL PRESSURE WAS GOOD AND THE KNOCK CAME AND WENT. I TOOK IT APART OIL SCREEN STILL IN PLACE. BEARING 7 AND 8 BOTH WERE WORE SIGNIFICANTLY. WHAT CAN CAUSE THIS? WHAT HAPPENED THIS TIME? IS IT POSSIBLE TO TURN A CRANK TOO MANY TIMES BEFORE IT BECOMES WEAK? THE LAST TIME WE TURNED THE CRANK IT WAS 30/40