Last month I picked up an 82 regal for my 15 year old son first car. Last weekend we got it running and took it for a test drive on gravel roads near house. All was good till we pulled back into drive way when I lost all brakes! Foot went to floor and almost hit house. Lol. Do we got it back on jack stands n checked all the lines,well cylinders,and calipers. No leaks or busted parts. If you pump brakes you keep brakes but if it sits over night there's no brakes again. Little looking I found that 81 impala has same size fittings as gbody but with 1 1/8 bore. Swapped it out bleed brakes now car has hard pedal but braking distance has doubled. HELP please. It's my kids car so I'm not going to cut any corners. Need the best a broke b*st*rd can afford.