We all have had or good chance will have an issue with the sealing of the heater boxes in our cars cause GM used total sealing them. I was in Lowe's earlier this morning checking on what will be needed to get power back to the garage (good or bad to be able to charge it all on the 2nd morgage called thier credit card?) & was looking the duct seal for the conduit & new service entry. Looked at the package & had a car thought, could this stuff work on the heater box when ever it goes back in? https://www.lowes.com/pd/Gardner-Bender-16-oz-Duct-Seal/4595233 It says it's weather tight, non-hardening, sticks to paint, plastic, rubber, metal. I know from working for a electric company I seen that stuff with the linemen supplies, packed into the conduit of the meter boxes & houses. Never seen it drip pr droop with the heat or get stiff & brittle in the cold. For $3.18 it's cheaper than most automotive products simular. Hey it's an idea I want to pass on to see if it can help with heater box leaks or any where else on the cowl that stuff could be packed into.