My brother and I decided to start a website about survival. This is not an end of the world type thing but more a long the lines of being independent from the main stream and fending for yourself. I also talk about cars, guns, gear, self defense, etc. I was hoping some of you guys could check it out and give me some honest feedback. I know my writing quality is not the best but it will get better I just have to write more, I see an improvement just from my first couple articles. If you like it please like it on facebook. the address is and the facebook is
Thanks for looking at it, and don't be afraid to tell me you don't like something. We are still learning how to work the website and still brainstorming so it is really in it's infancy.
Thanks for looking at it, and don't be afraid to tell me you don't like something. We are still learning how to work the website and still brainstorming so it is really in it's infancy.