Here's the story, was driving my malibu last weekend after I just swapped back to my old 3.73 posi gears. Got bout two miles down the road and the car starts smoking to death and rattling terribly. Turn around and start heading back home and i'm dumping transmission fluid all over the highway. Didn't make it home either, got within 3 miles. So this weekend, I go to check the the u-joints and go figure I've got needle bearings missing out of one of the caps. The worst part, I looked at the rear tailshaft housing on my 350 transmission and its blown to sh**.
The easy way of going about this is just getting another tailshaft housing. But I'm tired of running high rpms with my posi and want an overdrive. So what do I have to do to put in a 700r4 transmission. I looked on craigslist and there are plenty of the 700r4 trannys but no 200r4. I already know I have to shorten the driveshaft to compensate for the longer transmission. Where can I get an aftermarket overdrive shifter and what else do I need to do to make a 700r4 fit??? Right now I have B&M starshifter and its for my 3 speed 350 transmission. Need serious advice and help.
The easy way of going about this is just getting another tailshaft housing. But I'm tired of running high rpms with my posi and want an overdrive. So what do I have to do to put in a 700r4 transmission. I looked on craigslist and there are plenty of the 700r4 trannys but no 200r4. I already know I have to shorten the driveshaft to compensate for the longer transmission. Where can I get an aftermarket overdrive shifter and what else do I need to do to make a 700r4 fit??? Right now I have B&M starshifter and its for my 3 speed 350 transmission. Need serious advice and help.