Okay, all you instrument cluster gurus... here's my dilemma:
The Car: 1985 Cutlass Supreme
The Dash: 1985 Buick Regal
The Problem: Cutlass instrument clusters have two wiring harnesses, while Regals have only one.
My new dash is installed but the guages are not. Why? Because I cannot figure out what wires to change to where.
But I did the homework, so all I need is a little help identifying what is what. Please... pleeeease.... PLEASE... ya gotta help me.
I have no dash lights, don't know how much gas is in my car and it's annoying the crap outta me.
So here's what I got (and mind you, some of these wires are old/or I'm a little color blind, so blacks may be purple, etc). I need to take the
CUTLASS wires and merge them to the REGAL harness.
(Top Cluster is Regal, Bottom is Cutlass)
Two Cutlass Harnesses...
... need to become one Regal harness...
(these are by pin #)
1-LT Blue 8-Dk Blue
2- Black 9-Yellow
3-Grey 10-Brown/white stripe
4-Purple? 11-Dk Green
5-Grey 12-Pink/black stripe
6-Black 13-Tan
7-Pink 14-Lt Green (and it's thick)
1- Two yellow wires in one pin
2 thru 14- Empty
REGAL HARNESS (there's only one):
1-Pink/black stripe 10-Brown? or Green?
2-Tan 11-Black? (purple?)
3-Brown? 12-Empty
4-Dk Green 13-Empty
5-Tan/white stripe 14-Empty
6-Yellow/Black stripe 15-Pink/Black stripe
7-Lt Blue 16-Empty
8-Black? (purple?) 17-Dk Blue
9-Pink 18-Lt Green (and, again, thicker than the rest)
So, please, if someone can help me out with what some of these wires are (frankly, I'd be happy with a Fuel guage and illumination) I would be happier
than a pig in poopie.
The Car: 1985 Cutlass Supreme
The Dash: 1985 Buick Regal
The Problem: Cutlass instrument clusters have two wiring harnesses, while Regals have only one.
My new dash is installed but the guages are not. Why? Because I cannot figure out what wires to change to where.
But I did the homework, so all I need is a little help identifying what is what. Please... pleeeease.... PLEASE... ya gotta help me.
I have no dash lights, don't know how much gas is in my car and it's annoying the crap outta me.
So here's what I got (and mind you, some of these wires are old/or I'm a little color blind, so blacks may be purple, etc). I need to take the
CUTLASS wires and merge them to the REGAL harness.
(Top Cluster is Regal, Bottom is Cutlass)
Two Cutlass Harnesses...
... need to become one Regal harness...
(these are by pin #)
1-LT Blue 8-Dk Blue
2- Black 9-Yellow
3-Grey 10-Brown/white stripe
4-Purple? 11-Dk Green
5-Grey 12-Pink/black stripe
6-Black 13-Tan
7-Pink 14-Lt Green (and it's thick)
1- Two yellow wires in one pin
2 thru 14- Empty
REGAL HARNESS (there's only one):
1-Pink/black stripe 10-Brown? or Green?
2-Tan 11-Black? (purple?)
3-Brown? 12-Empty
4-Dk Green 13-Empty
5-Tan/white stripe 14-Empty
6-Yellow/Black stripe 15-Pink/Black stripe
7-Lt Blue 16-Empty
8-Black? (purple?) 17-Dk Blue
9-Pink 18-Lt Green (and, again, thicker than the rest)
So, please, if someone can help me out with what some of these wires are (frankly, I'd be happy with a Fuel guage and illumination) I would be happier
than a pig in poopie.