hello everyone i have just joined this sight wanted to let everyone herethat i am a loyal g body fan i have a 79 malibu classic that i have had since 1998 just got finished building a 355 small block all rolor motor for it just trying to finish up some loose ends. i have built many malibus and elcaminos and really enjoy it something about these cars i really like,
any way what i am looking for is does anyone here know what websight i can go to to find out about g body cars like how many was built with certain options or things like that, used to have a place for pontiacs and you could order all the information that was available for your car using the vin number any information would be of great help because i have found another malibu and was just wondering how many was built with the same options once again thanks for any information
Rick Nichols
Maryville tenn.
any way what i am looking for is does anyone here know what websight i can go to to find out about g body cars like how many was built with certain options or things like that, used to have a place for pontiacs and you could order all the information that was available for your car using the vin number any information would be of great help because i have found another malibu and was just wondering how many was built with the same options once again thanks for any information
Rick Nichols
Maryville tenn.