Hey can anyone help me out with a few questions???? I just started running NOS this past race season on my prostreet car and I'm not sure the correct method of storing my 10 lb Nitrous bottle for the winter. It has been very cold out my car is in my garage but i do not run the heat in my garage when i'm not out there. I just pulled the bottle out of the car today to bring it inside the house. Should I keep the bottle indoors under room temp for the winter months durring off race season. I'm assuming it cant be good to be cold which is why they make bottle heaters for racing to keep the bottle temp warmer for effectiveness but im not sure but then again Im no nitrous expert I just started useing it. Also if it should be kept warm for storage will it hurt the effectiveness of the n20 being that it has been cold and i just brought it indoors. one last thing will the n20 still be effective for next race season or does it have to be fresh fill for next race season