So I mentioned somewhere that I got this Cougar to drive around whilst I took my Grand Prix off the road. I did the same thing last year, got a 1990 Lincoln Continental, which lasted about two weeks before it spun a bearing and went teats up. Needless to say, the GP didn't get any work done to it that summer.
So, three weeks ago, I picked up this pristine Cougar. And, after two weeks, I've started to notice a small noise coming from the bottom of the engine. A bit of a rattling knock that immediately makes me think "bearings". Because that's my luck. And it'd be, like, the sixth time that's happened.
I think it may be a curse: the G-Body doesn't like me driving anything else.
The sound has persisted now for about a week or so. At first, it was just after I started the car, and once it was in gear, it'd go away. Then it would go away sometimes, and other times it wouldn't. Now, it doesn't go away at all. There doesn't appear to be any driveability problems, and there's no drop in oil pressure or overheating or anything like that. Everything continues to work fine... except for this little knocking thing.
I posted this on a couple of MN12/Thunderbird/Cougar forums, but I got fervently ignored... nobody seems to want to say anything (probably because it's kind of obvious from my sig that I'm a GM kind-of-a-guy). I've noticed, though, that quite a few people here know a lot more than just G-Bodies, I thought I'd give it a whirl and see if anyone can help me figure this one out.
I put a video of the sound over thisaway on YouTube. The sound seems to be coming from the bottom of the engine, and you can hear it with the hood closed. In fact, you can hear the sound the best while the camera is still on the ground, before I pick it up and start looking at the engine.
Thoughts? Should I scrap this thing quick before it blows, or could it be something else?
So, three weeks ago, I picked up this pristine Cougar. And, after two weeks, I've started to notice a small noise coming from the bottom of the engine. A bit of a rattling knock that immediately makes me think "bearings". Because that's my luck. And it'd be, like, the sixth time that's happened.
I think it may be a curse: the G-Body doesn't like me driving anything else.
The sound has persisted now for about a week or so. At first, it was just after I started the car, and once it was in gear, it'd go away. Then it would go away sometimes, and other times it wouldn't. Now, it doesn't go away at all. There doesn't appear to be any driveability problems, and there's no drop in oil pressure or overheating or anything like that. Everything continues to work fine... except for this little knocking thing.
I posted this on a couple of MN12/Thunderbird/Cougar forums, but I got fervently ignored... nobody seems to want to say anything (probably because it's kind of obvious from my sig that I'm a GM kind-of-a-guy). I've noticed, though, that quite a few people here know a lot more than just G-Bodies, I thought I'd give it a whirl and see if anyone can help me figure this one out.
I put a video of the sound over thisaway on YouTube. The sound seems to be coming from the bottom of the engine, and you can hear it with the hood closed. In fact, you can hear the sound the best while the camera is still on the ground, before I pick it up and start looking at the engine.
Thoughts? Should I scrap this thing quick before it blows, or could it be something else?