Not This Again.

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G-Body Guru
May 13, 2012
Ontario Canada Eh
So the other night I was over at my girl friends and things where usual until I left. I parked my car around the corner of the house and was watching because I dont know why but I had a bad feeling about something she was doing randomly sending me home and saying her parents wanted me gone at 9pm. Which was also werid becuase they had left for Buffalo that weekend. So I was sitting in the cutlass and I noticed that a car pulls up and this guy gets out so I pop my hood for extra cover and move around to the front of the car. I notice a big tall guy get out of the car and was almost about to kiss my girl when I looked down and noticed that my vaule cover was leaking dose anyone know how this happend ? or what the cause may be?
YGspider said:
So the other night I was over at my girl friends and things where usual until I left. I parked my car around the corner of the house and was watching because I dont know why but I had a bad feeling about something she was doing randomly sending me home and saying her parents wanted me gone at 9pm. Which was also werid becuase they had left for Buffalo that weekend. So I was sitting in the cutlass and I noticed that a car pulls up and this guy gets out so I pop my hood for extra cover and move around to the front of the car. I notice a big tall guy get out of the car and was almost about to kiss my girl when I looked down and noticed that my vaule cover was leaking dose anyone know how this happend ? or what the cause may be?
Get a new valve cover for the GF...thats your little red wagon.....but both are easily replaceable and prone to failure.... :mrgreen:
"I notice a big tall guy get out of the car and was almost about to kiss my girl when I looked down and noticed that my vaule cover was leaking dose anyone know how this happend ? or what the cause may be?" Yes. I could be wrong, but I think you are more attentive to the car than the girl. My advice is to pay more attention to her. You can ignore her after you get married. :rofl:
This happened to me once. I had a girl who didn't like me working my car and called my cutlass my baby. She was so mad she said that she wanted me to pay more attention to her or she would leave me so I just left her and took my car to a party and found another hottie. 🙂) and for the valve covers try getting new gaskets.
I would get a set of cork gaskets....I've tried the rubber reuseable ones with no results.
Dragonist said:
I would get a set of cork gaskets....I've tried the rubber reuseable ones with no results.
x2! As for the gf get out now! Ive seen alot of friends go down this road and never ends good. More drama than you should have to deal with. You know your a gearhead when your more worried about your car as your woman is cheating on you right in front of you :rofl:
lmfao!! :rofl: that is ****in priceless...."i think she's messin around...........damnit the valve cover is leakin.. AGAIN!!!" thanks man i needed a good laugh after the nite i had :x let me guess the passanger side? my advice dump the chick,go with a good name brand cork but watch the torque,def worth the xtra time and money, had to learn that the hard way. but a chick that is tryin to play you for a fool,def not worth the xtra bs,had to learn that the hard way too lol
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