I never heard of this before. My daughter's 2012 Jeep 3.7 Liberty had a #2 cylinder misfire code. I bought a new spark plug and swapped it in just to get rid of the code. I will do a total tune up when winter quits. But when I went to clear the code the MIL went out but a "Permanent DTC" was left behind. You can't erase it by normal means. I snooped and found it is a way to keep people and shops from clearing the codes just long enough to pass inspection and not fix the problem. It was introduced in 2009 and in 2010 it was universal. So how do you get rid of it? By doing a dedicated procedure that varies by manufacturer. This one is the most common and it is called the Universal Trip Drive Pattern. Here is the proceedure:
[Typically, this Universal Trip Drive Pattern starts off by clearing all the DTCs so that only the Permanent DTC remains (always refer to service information for applicable information and procedures).
Then turn the ignition ON, start the vehicle and let it idle for at least 30 seconds. Then, without cycling the key, drive the vehicle for at least five minutes at more than 40 km/h. Then (again without cycling the key) let the vehicle idle for at least 30 seconds before shutting it OFF. The whole drive cycle must take at least 10 minutes. After performing a Universal Trip Drive Pattern, the computer clears the code, since it’s “seen” that the problem is fixed and not reoccurring.]
[Typically, this Universal Trip Drive Pattern starts off by clearing all the DTCs so that only the Permanent DTC remains (always refer to service information for applicable information and procedures).
Then turn the ignition ON, start the vehicle and let it idle for at least 30 seconds. Then, without cycling the key, drive the vehicle for at least five minutes at more than 40 km/h. Then (again without cycling the key) let the vehicle idle for at least 30 seconds before shutting it OFF. The whole drive cycle must take at least 10 minutes. After performing a Universal Trip Drive Pattern, the computer clears the code, since it’s “seen” that the problem is fixed and not reoccurring.]