The 5.3 LM7 truck engine swap my car has uses a TC / Type 2 style power steering pump on a factory truck bracket. The TC pump feeds a remote reservoir via a 5/8" ID rubber hose, and feeds the Monte Carlo SS steering box via pressure line which appears to be too long and needs shortening. Is there a particular hose you LS swap guys went with between the factory steering box and PS pump?
The return line from the steering box to the reservoir seems ackward using 7" long steel line from steering box to a flexible hose to the reservoir. Going to look to shorten the metal line.
I am also considering switching to a PS pump that has a built on reservoir, but I was told on LS1tech that the P type / saginaw pump is an older style and could be worse than the TC / Type 2 that I have? I have a P type pump with the extra hydroboost return line; can I keep this line capped or do I risk the cap blowing off the hydroboost return line on the pump?
Should I stick with the TC / Type 2 pump with remote reservoir, and shorten the lines the gbody steering box, or should I switch to the P type / Saginaw pump with the built on reservoir?
The return line from the steering box to the reservoir seems ackward using 7" long steel line from steering box to a flexible hose to the reservoir. Going to look to shorten the metal line.
I am also considering switching to a PS pump that has a built on reservoir, but I was told on LS1tech that the P type / saginaw pump is an older style and could be worse than the TC / Type 2 that I have? I have a P type pump with the extra hydroboost return line; can I keep this line capped or do I risk the cap blowing off the hydroboost return line on the pump?
Should I stick with the TC / Type 2 pump with remote reservoir, and shorten the lines the gbody steering box, or should I switch to the P type / Saginaw pump with the built on reservoir?
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