There is a way to adjust the tension on the secondary air doors on a quadrajet. If your qjet seems to bog at WOT, this may be an easy solution for you. There is a 3/32 allen head screw on the passenger side under where the primary choke rod connects to the shaft the air doors screw too. On the shaft there is also a flat head screw that is really small. There is a little access hole for the flat head screw on the thing the choke pull off arm attaches too. A screwdriver from a glasses repair kit would fit, if that gives you an idea. Loosen the allen screw in small increments, lest the tension spring comes off, and turn the flat head screw in small increments as well. Tighten the allen screw GENTLY, no need for Hulk strength, until desired tension is reached on the air doors. It should take some pressure to push them down with your finger with the engine off, and they should snap back nicely once your finger is removed. In many cases this can decrease or get rid of that famous "bog" that quadrajets are known for. It bogs because it's the engine pulling the air doors down by vacuum, and if there is too little tension, the doors will fling open really fast and there will be so much air introduced at once, causing a bog. Just keep adjusting until it runs good at WOT, with no bog or stumbling. If the spring comes off, don't fret. It's hard to get too while the carb is on the car, but you can fix it. It's just a coiled up spring with a little hook.