Take one great country
Remove its manufacturing
Send all the good blue collar jobs overseas
Keep minimum wages low
Build lots of cheap houses in factories and ship them all over the southeast.
Use food to make fuel
Transform the healthcare system into the Healthcare Industry
Lower taxes on the rich
Start two wars
Cut funding for higher education.
Build WalMarts in the small to midsized towns and run all the local business' out.
Give Corporations the rights of individuals without any of the responsibilities.
Make it nearly impossible for individual farmers to grow, raise, harvest and sell their own products.
Fabricate abnormalities to match the drugs being made to treat such things...and without much research to support them.
Neglect alternative energy source production /development.
Elect politicians that have more interest in their own futures than that of our country's
Feel free to add your ingredients......
Remove its manufacturing
Send all the good blue collar jobs overseas
Keep minimum wages low
Build lots of cheap houses in factories and ship them all over the southeast.
Use food to make fuel
Transform the healthcare system into the Healthcare Industry
Lower taxes on the rich
Start two wars
Cut funding for higher education.
Build WalMarts in the small to midsized towns and run all the local business' out.
Give Corporations the rights of individuals without any of the responsibilities.
Make it nearly impossible for individual farmers to grow, raise, harvest and sell their own products.
Fabricate abnormalities to match the drugs being made to treat such things...and without much research to support them.
Neglect alternative energy source production /development.
Elect politicians that have more interest in their own futures than that of our country's
Feel free to add your ingredients......