Road Rage

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Master Mechanic
Jul 2, 2007
Jackson, New Jersey
I was just talking with a couple of co-workers about some incidents that I experienced in my driving career, and I thought that here would be a good place to put them as well. I'm sure all of us have had experiences liked this.

The first one, I was driving down a road in my town. I was driving my '77 Caprice at the time, which was a beastie in it's own right, when a bright yellow 70-something Camaro pulled out in front of me. The street was a 40mph zone and the guy was doing about fifteen miles per hour, which I thought was kind of funny for a car like that.

So I was behind him, about one car length behind, for maybe two miles. I was getting annoyed, at that... the guy wasn't breaking 20, and I had places to be. I may have been creeping up behind him a little bit, I don't know, but definitely not tailgating him. After a while, he came to a stop in the middle of the road.

I was annoyed, but then he got out of his car and started walking towards me. He was pretty stereotypical... stone washed jeans, wifebeater and a mullet that would make Barry Melrose jealous. As he walked towards my car, he said, "Hey, could I ask you a question?"

I figured, maybe he's lost. That'd explain why he was driving so slow. I figured I'd be nice and give the guy a break. "Sure," I replied.

"Could you tell me," he continued, "exactly why you were so far up my *ss?"

My annoyance got the better of me. "Well, if I had gone any slower, I'd have been going backwards," I said. "You know, the pedal that makes you go is one the right."

His annoyance got the better of him, as well. "Well, I'd suggest you back off," he said, and he grabbed my seatbelt (which I was not wearing). "Because next time," he said, "you'll need more than this," and he shook my not-worn seatbelt "to save you from me."

I paused for a moment, looked at him standing there shaking my seatbelt, and then burst out laughing. Which, I've learned, is the best thing to do in a situation like that -- because nobody knows exactly what to do when they make a threat and you laugh at them. He turned bright red, stomped back to his car, and romped on it.

Needless to say, I drove past him as he was spinning his tires. And that was the end of that one.

Anyone else have something like that happen to them?
If I was being followed by only a car length I think I would get annoyed. Thats not far behind someone even at low speed. I can tell ya if somebody pissed me off enough for me to stop my car which would take alot for me to do that and they laughed when i was trying to make myself clear Id probably pull them out the window and knock the sh*t out of them. Then again thats just how things are down around here in my small town.

One incident sticks in my mind. I was driving delivery for a retail paint store a couple years ago. I was in our E350 van in a 4 lane 30mph zone. Traffic was kind of heavy. I needed to get into the slow lane. Well I could see some guy in a newer suburban in the slow lane flying up. If I didnt get into the slow lane I wouldnt be turning for quite some time and as people in delivery know, quick deliveries are important. So I put my blinker on and hes probably a hundred feet back. I merge into the slow lane and he rides up on my *ss. I didnt really give a sh*t I had my blinker on for about 5 second before I got over. Well anyway he followed me right on my *ss for about 10 miles. I didnt speed. I didnt really care. I knew he was raging pissed and it only made it worse to not play his game. He finally passed me and threw me the finger. I just waved at him. Which I could tell made him even more pissed. He turned off about 2 min later.
This isnt really a story, but I always wondered what is up with cops and riding peoples asses. Ive alaways wondered what would happen if an imaginary racoon ran in front of me and I slam on my brakes while he is payin attention to his computer while running my plates, and he slams into me. 8) I would love to hear the story on that one!!!
Cops & tailgating

Alot of cops do that to startal you & make you swerve or tap the brakes & then pull you over just to say "I pulled you over because you look suspicious" Some do it out of ignorance or their routinely habits. I was traveling across the Ohio Toll Road 1 day & seen a lady state cop traveling in the far left lane with her strobe lights on & yacking on her cell phone & no one was in front of her. Hmmmm? lol. Imagine driving a semi truck with 13 gears & getting stuck behind grandma or grandpa drivers or the local farmer ed on a 2 lane highway for 25-30 miles & going 38mph in a 55mph zone & the terrain is hilly & curvy & you weight 80,000 lbs & can't accerate fast enough to go around them. I experience that 2-3 times per week. 😳
Re: Cops & tailgating

81malibag said:
Imagine driving a semi truck with 13 gears & getting stuck behind grandma or grandpa drivers or the local farmer ed on a 2 lane highway for 25-30 miles & going 38mph in a 55mph zone & the terrain is hilly & curvy & you weight 80,000 lbs & can't accerate fast enough to go around them. I experience that 2-3 times per week. 😳

Are you a truck driver? If so I feel sorry for you. I dont think I could deal with all of the stupid drivers on the road, and not being able to do anything about it, except using brutal force with the truck :lol: 🙂
Super Mullet and I would have had problems the second his hand touched the seat belt. Bet it took all your self control to not break off his hand. But you did the right thing and remained calm.
you should have shoved that caprice up his *ss, you cant dent those damn
Re: Cops & tailgating

81malibag said:
Imagine driving a semi truck with 13 gears & getting stuck behind grandma or grandpa drivers or the local farmer ed on a 2 lane highway for 25-30 miles & going 38mph in a 55mph zone & the terrain is hilly & curvy & you weight 80,000 lbs & can't accerate fast enough to go around them. I experience that 2-3 times per week. 😳

I don't have to imagine that, have been there many times. Used to drive a truck for 6 years. Don't miss the idiots on the road that don't understand a trucks limitations. I have seen many people speed to pass my truck, then cut in front of me and slow down. Either that, or speed around me and barely make it in front of me to get off at the next exit.
Haha heres a detailed story of an experience I had about 2 months ago..

So It was a day like any other, me and my friend were driving around town (THE ONE I WORK IN) and we decided to get ice cream (FROM THE PLACE I WORK AT) well we both got 1 and decided to go outback to the smoke area and talk to the manager and some other co-workers of mine. We talked for a good 10 mins, so then I decided to drive about in my car with my friend and finish my ice cream, I drove around for a bit, I went behind the grocery store and saw a kiddy on a bike, so typical of me I had to say something as I passed by, J (jokingly) said "Hey man, u wanna buy some dope?" then I sped off, I then pulled into a dirt turn around with a boat launch because the canoe rental building had wi-fi, So I sat there with my friend and soaked up some free wi-fi on my ipod touch for about 5 mins, I finished my ice cream, I started to drive back into town. about 15 rednecks and there kids (1 being on a bike) all started walking towards me as I was driving, waving me to come at them, I REALLY didnt want to but my friend convinced me that there must of been a problem. So I drove up and put my car in park. Keeping my hand on the center consol shift lever, a redneck walks up to the passanger side of my car which my friend was sitting at. The rednecks exact words were "You wanna tell my boy to buy some dope again!!??" I said, "I was just kidding man" meanwhile his wife was standing infront of my car.. which was a little bit odd.. So then this redneck man walks around the front of my car and heads towards my wiindow. I then stomped the brake, shifted into reverse and smashed the gas pedal, my tires spun for a good 1.4444 seconds and I was going fast in reverse, a redneck chased me for a while. But I started getting to the road, I whipped my car in a 180 fashion and went into first gear because I didnt want to risk getting into neutral and getting my car kicked. I then shifted from 1st to OD in my automatic transmission lol. I was scared so I drove from this town all the way to another which totalled 29 miles.. Driving right past my house. I went to the library and got more wi-fi then headed home. My friend gets out of the car and heads to his truck, then a cop comes up my drive way. my friend still heading to his truck reluctantly gets stopped by the sheriff in his 2009 charger police car. the sheriff says to him "Hey, why don't you come back over here boy" I walk up to the cops and tell them I already know what this is about.. he then asks me to empty my pockets which I did, I had "a cell phone, pack of gum, keys, and some coins. he asked me if I had any dope in the car, I said No, go ahead and search it if youd like, he said ok, all of this happening while my parents sit on the porch watching. I tell him the whole story just like I am now. My 17 year old friend gets his cigarettes and chew taken away from him. the cop told me my car was clean.

Long story short I didnt drive my car to work for a week because Im the only owner of a white Gbody. Although there is a group of guys by the last name of Tinkham who drive BADASS Gbodys few of them being 1979 Monte Carlo (burgundy), 1984-1987? Monte carlo (burgundy) and a 1984 Cutlass with a blower (Yellow with black good).

After work i usually drive around for a bit.. I was driving by that grocery store and saw a kid that I know quite well, but he doesnt know it was me who did all of that.. he just knows that theres a guy in a white GP who jokingly offered dope to a 10 year old. he was on a bike with 2 other friends and I drove up to a stop sign, he flipped me off while in the way of the front of my car so I put it in neutral and red lined it and he took off. I then moseyd on home.
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