Sad day.

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G-Body Guru
Jan 25, 2009
Back when I was completely ignorant about cars, my friends an I decided we were going to make my 83 monte carlo cl with a stock 305 and 2.29 gears do a burnout whether it liked it or not. Because we're rednecks, we drove down a couple gravel roads and found a cement bridge close to our town to do a "burnout". With us we brought provisions because this was not gonna be an easy task and the car wasn't gonna spin anything without lots of help. So we soaked the right rear tire in wd40 and then sprayed the ground. Additionally, we added some dish soap to the wd40 on the ground just in case. I rolled the car onto the "burnout box" and then it was my friends' turn to prepare. Three of them positioned themselves on my right rear wheel well and I gave them the signal to life with all they could. I dropped her in to first, "mashed" the throttle, as if my poorly functioning Quadrajet could do such a feat, and the wheel began to spin ever so slowly. Progressively, it spun faster and faster. Now me and my friends were just laughing are asses off. We couldn't believe we'd actually done it. The sad, tired, and abused stock 305 with 166k was fully wound and screaming to its limits. Then it happened, we heard a loud bang and I immediately let off the throttle. I threw her in park and carefully eased back on to the throttle. An audible knocking was heard. We climbed back in and headed to a mechanic friend of ours. He diagnosed the knocking as a thrown rod. Boy was I white faced when I realized I had to somehow explain to my dad that the monte blew itself up...
Ha HA! That's crazy ! When i was about 16 my buddy and me decided to "borrow" his dad's 80 Cutlass Supreme... The car was MINT! Well while cruising in it we decided to see fast it would go in a back country road. We got it to about 60 or so when we saw a old VW beetle pull into the road.My buddy slammed on the brakes and slowed us down quite a bit before rear-ending this car. The Cutlass suffered a broken header panel and the hood was all crumpled up. My buddy jumped on top of the hood and managed to straighten it down some. We took the car back and put it back into the driveway and took off somewhere else.His dad was PISSED the next day when he was going to take off to work...The next weekend we were looking for a header panel and a hood at the junkyard. We found them but it the car never looked the same after that. :shock:
I'll let you know about accidents.

1 month after my 16th and when i first drove the monte i lost control on a gravel road and went into a ditch. The front left fender and header panel were bent to hell.

2 months after that, I was driving the car still unfixed and I rear-ended a subaru. Oddly enough even though there was more damage, the body shop quoted us a smaller number...

The monte went in to the shop for a few months and so i started to drive my sister's 95 regal GS. After driving it for 3 months I was rear-ended by an old lady going 45 mph. Car still ran and drove completely fine although you wouldn't have believed it if you saw the crushed down rear-end. The car was deemed totalled.

1 week after that I turned on to a street and side swiped a car because i could not see around another line of cars. This knocked the header panel off the regal but i managed to fix it with a bit of wire and ingenuity. Sadly, my parents let the insurance company take it in return for about 2,000. It is the best car I have ever driven even after being rear ended and will probably always be one of my favorite cars.

I then had a period of 6 months with no accidents and it was winter time so i began to drive my 94 chevy 1500. After a light coating of snow had blanketed the twisting driveway leading from my neighborhood. I skidded in to a ditch and hit a tree going about 2 mph. It put a huge dent in the bumper, cracked the grille, and slightly bent the end of the hood.

Now I went a period of 1 1/2 years without an accident until about a month ago. I was coming over a hill on a narrow gravel road when a truck came over the hill going the opposite direction. It was in the center of the road and di not budge or stear away from me. I had to take the ditch to avoid killing us both and I proceeded to try and get back on the road. sadly, it wasn't a very well maintained road and it had just rained. I fought it my hardest but eventually she rolled over twice and came to a rest on its driver side. I climbed out without a concussion or any major injuries. I did receive a pansy 3 staples for a laceration on my scalp.

I haven't exactly had the best luck.

So now I'm daily driverless and the monte is in progress of getting the 383 installed.
Ive had one of those days happen, had the flu one day and decided the day after i was going to go to work one way or another. So i got up an hour behind and as i was coming into town to get to work i came up to a four way stop light and a honda runs a red. Me and my belovid 79 elcamino SS were the lucky ones to send it to the junkyard. I t-boned him and as i never wore a seatbelt bounced off the steering wheel and my knee went into the dash. It picked the honda up and set him down in the next lane. Being a manul the car started to roll down a hill so i jumped out of my car and got behind the honda while another guy threw it in gear. Then realizing that i was hurting all over. The guy in the honda was hurt pretty good as his head went through the driver window. It bent the frame of my elky about a foot to the left on the drivers side and pushed the motor into the firewall. But it still ran!
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