Just found out im getting the malibu back in the next week, and talking to a couple other car guys at school, i remembered something some of you might be able to relate to.
About a year ago, I was with my fiancee and it was getting kinda late in the afternoon and we were both pretty hungry. For whatever reason, she didnt want to go inside so i thought id try the drive in. Now, keep in mind i have basically racing mufflers and turn downs, so the Bu Bu is pretty loud. Waiting in line, the guy in front of me pulls up to the intercom, i left alot of room so he and the employees could hear each other, cuz i didnt want to shut my car off and on three times.
:shock: :shock: What's some a-hole decide to do? Cut right on in to that nice open space i left.
Lol i got as close to him as i could and held the gas down about half throttle in neutral. He was pissed. He had to jump out of line and circle the building. 
About a year ago, I was with my fiancee and it was getting kinda late in the afternoon and we were both pretty hungry. For whatever reason, she didnt want to go inside so i thought id try the drive in. Now, keep in mind i have basically racing mufflers and turn downs, so the Bu Bu is pretty loud. Waiting in line, the guy in front of me pulls up to the intercom, i left alot of room so he and the employees could hear each other, cuz i didnt want to shut my car off and on three times.
:shock: :shock: What's some a-hole decide to do? Cut right on in to that nice open space i left.