Hey i am in the process of replacing the trans in my 85 ss. It had a 2004r i am changing to a th 400 for realiability and noticed i couldnt bolt the torque converter to the flexplate so after selling my tv to get some money i went to oreills and got the quickest thing available brought torque converter and the bolt holes match up only problem is the starter on my car is for the original 153 tooth flexplate and my new flexplate is 168 tooth so i was wondering what would be the cheapest fix or will this combo work? Im not to knowledgable at all when it comes to matching starters to flexplates so this is a new one to me. Id buy a mini starter but thats past what i have right now to spend and need it fixed quick so if anyone can suggest a make and model i can throw at oreillys to get the right starter or tell me the original starter will work that would be highly appreciated . Im so damn close to finishing i just have to know what will work in order to do it.