Take a Civics Quiz!

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Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
I found this and thought it would be fun to post and see what people score on it. I was a bit disappointed in my score as I only managed a 93.75. It is basically a series of very basic, easy questions on history, economics and the US government. I admitted to how bad I did, so post your results when you are done.


didn't need a quiz to tell you I'm no rocket scientist! :mrgreen:
I started, got bored and frustrated and gave up...kind of like our government does :rofl:
I missed the one on the Lincoln-Douglass debates and on a zero deficit budget. The budget one was tricky, and the one on the historic debates was, sadly, on a subject I had not spent time studying. Maybe that will be my next boredom learning project...
I thought this was going to be about a Honda.
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