I heard this tonight on the radio and thought it was BS, but I did find an actual website, so it may be legit. Basically, you cruise up and down the coast of Somalia in a cruise ship loaded with gun toting people itching to kill pirates. They guarantee at least 2 pirate attacks or you get your gun rental money and half the cost of the cruise back! There is a gun smith on board, and ammo is available for purchase. But wait! There's more! They will also rent you a RPG launcher and sell you rockets to use too! There are other weapons available besides the AK-47 too. You can get a variety of guns, and can even rent a mini gun (but it's pricey!). Anyhow, here's the link. I tend to think it is BS (most likely), but it's a fun read for those with a warped sense of humor like me. http://www.somalicruises.com/