Alright guys, got a little issue on my hands I was hoping I can get opinions on. I realize this isn't the forum for legal advice but some opinions or maybe personal experience would help. Ive been renting a mobile home off this guy since 2010, no lease, just cash on the cheap. Well it is an old place thats had numerous problems and my land lord has been extremely accommodating as have I. Theres been issues where I just fixed something and he deducted it from rent, junk faucet, heating element in the water heater, etc. Well anyway in late January a pipe or several Ive never been given a number froze under the trailer. I went to bed and woke up in the morning to rushing water sound in the kitchen. I turned off the water and called my land lord and filled him in. He later called me back said hes not going to fix it and that I need to look into moving out. So a few days later I call him and tell him a date I plan on being out by, 2 weeks after our initial conversation about the frozen pipes is my "move out" date. He said ok. He accused me that day of burning kerosene or some other alternative in my home and thats why my pipes froze. I invited him to come out and take a look. I burn propane. If anybody has lived in a trailer they know a space heater wont heat up a trailer. He never took me up on that offer. I gathered my sh*t up and moved out within the time frame I told him I would be out. I called him on the day I was finally moved out and told him that I was gone, board it up or whatever, he said he was never gonna rent it again. That was the first or second week of February. I get a call from him today asking me to come by and get my final bill. I show up at the trailer with an uneasy feeling like he wanted to "show" me something. He did. The window in the bedroom had somehow broken, I have pictures of when I moved out, it was not broken. Propane had also ran out AFTER MY MOVE OUT DATE as well resulting in further damages. He handed me a bill for the repair of the pipes. He told me he will take me to court if I dont give him the money for the pipes and repair the window. Am I responsible for this? I feel bad but the trailer was missing half its skirting, there was no insulation, typically they use hay bails. It cost a fortune to heat that sucker in the winter but it was offset by cheap monthly rent. So what do I do here? I told him to do what he thought he had to but that I am not paying for the cost of the pipes to be repaired. His estimate was $2700. No thanks.