Texas Holdem

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Master Mechanic
Apr 4, 2008
On top of it all, tonight we were playing cards, he got out early as he went all in against my trips on the flop. He had a flush draw which aint no biggy, 37% against my trips or lower when ya figure the board cant pair his flush draw or not. Then the ******* has the odacity to sit and try to tell me how before the flop in any handed game that the odds are always cut by how many people are playing. I got in a 10 minute argument with him about how the **** is a 2 7 even against a king 10 which I had at the time. Then it got better as my other friends fiance put all her chips in the pot without looking at her hand, just keepin them in tthere. I called twice when I had her dominated lost both times, she was the chip leader I folded 2 times when I had 9 3 and 82. So yah I ended up losing because the dumb braod did that junk. I have won the last 4 weeks minus a 2nd place and then I won 3 weeks prior in a row too. This is texas holdem by the way guys, I consider myself really good, so whe nI get idiots who talk sh*t and are not even in the game I get really aggravated. speically when its junk like that. Anyhow i was really close to kickin this guys *ss tonight..

Its funny Back in school 6 years ago, i followed this guy around as if he was my leader and I was afraid of him too. But now I look at all his faults and laugh, furthermore I was gonna drop him on the ground flat. lol Funny as we grow up, we see the people **** up before our eyes.
Correct, everything is based on unseen cards. so if you haven't seen the flop yet the there are 50 unseen cards, unless the guy next to you flashed his,lol. So then you got to figure the chances of your hand hitting the flop. if ya have 8 8 you have 2 outs. It doesn't matter if 10 are in a hand or 2, odds are still the same.

I haven't played much lately mostly because I have too much going on medical wise. My friend took me to Foxwoods and I was down after a bit. I lost with KK to a guy who called with 10-6 os. I heard someone say "he is getting cocky with his kings" and I lost it. I told one guy if it was him to take off his sunglasses and say something to my face or I would bust his head open. I ended up letting it go. I know it was not the guy who beat me cause he was Cambodian and couldn't speak English.

One thing I hate about that place is instead of people playing $100 a hand on blackjack, they play poker. They go all in with nothing and don't care if they lose or what odds they have. I have flashed a set of queens on a guy in a $400 pot and he still called on a gut shot on the turn. He missed it thank god but people don't care.

I have been working on my game to adjust for this. I will watch players for about 15 minutes to see how they play. I will adjust my play for everyone and if someone is loose, hands like AA or 7-2 have the same value to me now. I am there to destroy them and if a good player ends up in the hand and gets beat, so be it..

god you agree with me, its really funny because this guy also never win either, yet he still sits there and talks sh*t lol. I plan on doing some bigger tourneys that are not 5 bucks here really soon, I have won some bigger ones though, ill be doing some 150 dollar buy ins
Re: thank

1986montecarlols said:
god you agree with me, its really funny because this guy also never win either, yet he still sits there and talks sh*t lol. I plan on doing some bigger tourneys that are not 5 bucks here really soon, I have won some bigger ones though, ill be doing some 150 dollar buy ins

If 4 people are all in and the cards are shown, that is the only time the odds change, the cards are seen. I have been playing for 15 years, mostly for fun. I played my very first cash tournament about 3 years ago and got first place, $1,800....it was a $100 buy in charity game with about 135 people so some of the money went to a good cause and I got a percentage. I have about 5 other wins with 3rd or better but where online with 100 people all the way up to a few thousand people.

Do you plan on going to a casino to play? Games are much different there. You still get the stupid calls from donkeys but overall I think most players are good.
I really want to

go to the casino, I once played at bar, flopped trip jacks, I had jacks in the hole and hit quads on the turn, the guy made a straight and was ******** bricks even saying he had one. He made a massive bet on the river I moved all in, he called instantly, I yelled quads bend over buddy. He about killed me. It was about 380 dollar pot. God i just got off the phone with my friend, I asked him to borrow me 100 bucks for that car i have posted in general disscussion, I asked about cards again this weekend so I can take him out again lol, he got all pissed about odds again, claiming no matter what you have before the flop its still even because theres only 2 of you. Im like dude what hell how you can claim that. If I have a K 10 what are the odds of you having a an ace, so my odds are most likely very good probably 55% but no lower then 35%, then hes tellin me yeah but you dont know that, buddy I might have kings then your drawin dead, im like no ya ****ing idiot thats the point of saying your no lower then 30%.Its so funny man, the guy never wins ever but he talks like he does and knows how to play well, yet his strategy sucks. SO yeah if Ive got 7 2 I know im even before the flop yeah that makes about as much since as nothing. A damn 3 2 deuce off suit is a better drawing hand there for will have better odds then the 7 2. THe other day, I flopped trip kings and he made a flush draw on the flop, I bet, he went all in, I was like bye bye your way behind, your dead to 8 cards that dont pair the board. 8 outs of 52 he was about 22%. It was great. He will never learn, You ever meet people like this guy, they dont believe in odds even if they are staring them in the face?
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