So today I replaced my TCC solenoid and 4th gear pressure switch! All went well and it took a little longer than expected and it seems my highway troubles have been solved!
Now, I have another question for you guys... This problem has been going on for a few months and I was hoping a fluid/filter change would help it but it didn't. Every couple of times when I come to a complete stop my car seems to slam down into first gear once I come to a complete stop. It doesn't seem to have any other problems. I saw in my transmission pan some little chunks of metal so I have a feeling I will need to rebuild the transmission soon... But at this point I am just wondering what you think the problem may be with the transmission slamming into first.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Now, I have another question for you guys... This problem has been going on for a few months and I was hoping a fluid/filter change would help it but it didn't. Every couple of times when I come to a complete stop my car seems to slam down into first gear once I come to a complete stop. It doesn't seem to have any other problems. I saw in my transmission pan some little chunks of metal so I have a feeling I will need to rebuild the transmission soon... But at this point I am just wondering what you think the problem may be with the transmission slamming into first.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!