Just calm down. I know what it is like to be very stressed out all the time, as I have had a problem with it for most of my life. If you don't learn to put it all in perspective the little things in life (and this is one of them!) will eventually destroy you. I know, because I have let them do that to me too often. Honestly, it's $600. That's not the end of the world, and is still $400 cheaper than you thought you would pay. What you need to do is see if the court will let you make payments due to financial hardship. They usually do. Don't burn bridges with your family. Later on in life, you WILL need them. Trust me on this one, there are very few people in life you can count on. Family is always there for you as few relationships are closer than blood. People will sh*t on you no matter what you do, and your family is I am sure not perfect. No one's is. Your brother, like you, is still young and making the mistakes we all make when we are trying to define ourselves as adults. I am sure you will make a mistake that impacts him somewhere down the line. However, the best relationships in life are based on trust and forgiveness. This is not to say you trust everyone, but you should trust those who mean you no harm even if they hurt you by their own stupidity. I am sure he did not mean to get pulled over, and honestly you should not have had him drive either. Both of you made a mistake, and both of you are paying a price. Don't make it worse than it is. You are not in jail, physically harmed, or out personal property. It's a small fine. Pay it and live with it. Lesson learned. Make peace with your brother and learn to love others despite their faults.