I recently got my 85 and drove it From nagadoches to Houston with no problem,gased it up to full and once I came up with some money I gave it a tune up(new sparks, wires, oil and oil filter change, drained the radiator then cycled water throughout the radiator till all the dirt and gunk it had in it was washed out.2weeks later I come up to a stop sign and noticed the car stalling on itself I had to tap the gas in order to make it pass the stop sign without it cutting off on me. Once I got home I started her back up to make sure it wasn't anything major and she ran for about 5 minutes till she cut off. I replaced the map sensor,double checked for and loose or cut wires but everything was like it had been. I don't hear any misfires and my fuel pump is turning on I changed my fuel filter thinking that was the problem but still get the same results. Any gbody family can help me out or is my gbody at its last days?